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The Dispatch is coming soon

Tribune Sun

'The new title is surely meeting a need'

“Delivered in newsletter format to the recipient’s email inbox, The Dispatch will offer three heavily researched pieces a week on local matters of political and cultural importance. In an epoch where so much local “news” takes the form of celebrity clickbait, salacious crime round-ups and video clips repurposed from social media, the new title is surely meeting a need.”

Ian Burrell, columnist in the i paper and one of the country’s leading media commentators

Dear readers — if you’re reading this post, you are one of the very first readers of The Dispatch. Welcome!

Starting on November 1st, we will be publishing thoughtful, rigorous, independent journalism about this wonderful city and the West Midlands more generally.

You will find that The Dispatch is a new kind of local newspaper — focusing on quality rather than quantity and giving you the context you need to understand what is really going on without wading through any irritating pop-up ads or mindless articles about celebrities. We’re not trying to cover everything: every week we will pick a few stories about local politics, culture, business and social affiars that we think really matter and then dig into them properly.

All you need to do is join our free mailing list below to start getting our news briefings, long reads and local recommendations in your inbox.

To find out more about us and our story, please visit our About page.

And once you have signed up to our mailing list, please do share The Dispatch with anyone you think might be interested — we would be incredibly grateful for your help getting the word out across the West Midlands. Post us down your groupchats; put us on social media; email us to your most discerning friends and relatives.

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