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'It's a no from me' - Andy Street

Tribune Sun

Plus: Explore Black gay British history this Thursday

Hello Patchers — Welcome to your Tuesday briefing.

In true English Bank Holiday style it was very changeable weather-wise, wasn’t it? That didn’t stop me from trying to at least have some form of outdoor BBQ — though everything (from salad to pizza slices) did have to be shuttled inside at pace when the rain eventually won out. I hope every other Patcher managed to have some kind of fun. Mainly dry, too.

As we get you up to speed with Midlands goings on during this compacted week, today’s briefing has the latest on the ‘will he, won’t he’ rumours about Andy Street and his next steps, the disciplinary proceedings at Walsall council and a campaign to save Birmingham’s waterways from funding cuts. There’s also some indoors, things-to-do suggestions to help keep us entertained (and learned) as the bad weather continues.

As ever, take care. Dan. 

Brum in Brief

🕴️MP role not for Street: Well-liked former West Mids mayor Andy Street has said that he has “decided against” standing as an MP in the upcoming General Election. Rumours were swirling that he was a shoo-in to be a candidate in Solihull. However, on social media Street posted he had thought about doing so but wanted to continue as an executive leader in a public role. "Many will assume now that I am destined to go back into business but I still feel I have much to contribute to public life in a leadership role,” he said. Earlier this month the Birmingham-born politician was tipped to become Council CEO. Full story.

🔵Walsall Council chaos: The leader of Walsall Council has revealed he will consider his position after being suspended by the Conservative Party. As it stands, Mike Bird remains leader with support from the majority of Tory councillors but is subject to a three-month suspension following a disciplinary investigation. Bird told the BBC that previous allegations of racism against him had been dismissed by the investigation but there are no other details forthcoming. The Conservative party said the suspension process is confidential. More details.

🏠Slow housing market: Birmingham has the unwanted accolade of being in the worst three cities to sell a house in the UK, as a result of high market prices and high interest rates. With Leicester and London the worst places to sell a house, Birmingham comes in next with only 15.8% of housing stock selling within 30 days according to estate agent comparison site The city also has other housing issues: 40% of residents are under 25 and will need their own housing soon while many properties are under-occupied. All the data.

🛥️Canal cause: A challenge that has been running across seven decades has continued to raise awareness of the under-used parts of the Birmingham Canal Network. The Birmingham 24 Hour Challenge aimed to boost interest in canals and locks with many facing up to losing funding as grants are lessened. Participants from around the the world joined in, with some using it as an opportunity to clean up the waterways as they went. Watch some of the action, here. 

😆Comedy special: For those needing a chuckle to bring something a bit lighter to this near-constant rain — it’s almost June, he protests! — Hockley Social in JQ has a four comedian helping this Wednesday. For less than a tenner, you can watch a quartet of comedians who have appeared on The Jonathan Ross Show and Mock the Week. Bargain. (Disclaimer: We can’t promise you won’t get wet on getting to the venue). Tickets at a click.

💌Revolutionary Acts: On Thursday evening bookworms and those wanting to learn more about the experiences of elder Black gay men from the seventies through to the present day should head down to the Voce for a talk with author Jason Okundaye, as he launches his book Revolutionary Acts: Love & Brotherhood in Black Gay Britain. The talk is in Voce’s Futures series which is dedicated to non-fiction books that help us to rewire our consciousness and zero in on the ideas that help shape the architecture of our collective futures. All the details.

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